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Last modified August 05 2017, 13:25:46 CEST.

Version History

Date VersionRemark
2017-08-05 2.0.3 New: Properly show script steps introduced by FileMaker 16.
New: Properly show functions introduced by FileMaker 16.
New: FMVis’s reports can be limited to a set of objects. The default is to show all objects.
New: The CSS stylesheet can be embedded into a report for easier sharing with others.
Fix: Fixed a crash when handling FileMaker 16 files..
Fix: Decoding of script steps has been improved to correct some minor problems.
Fix: Decoding of built-in functions has been improved to correct some minor problems.
Fix: Fixed problems concerning command-line invocation.
2016-03-12 2.0.2 New: OS usage information now knows about Windows versions up to 10.
Fix: Some layouts caused decoding problems. All known issues were resolved. Any decoding problem is now listed in the report.
Fix: On Windows FMVis failed to produce a report for large databases (larger than 2 GB). On OS X a huge amount of memory was used.
Fix: On Windows FMVis did not properly save the list of passwords to try. Please review the preferences and remove any empty passwords.
Fix: On certain databases FMVis reported a structural problem when there was no problem at all.
Fix: In certain situations FMVis did not properly colour lines. There was no missing information as the colouring could suggest.
Fix: On Windows FMVis converted the date and time values returned by the OS wrongly.
2015-08-31 2.0.1 New: Update is now based on Sparkle.
Several improvements and fixes.
2015-07-17 2.0.0 New: Support for Italian and Japanese.
Fix: Eliminated possible crash for FileMaker 6 databases.
Dropped support for i386 on OS X.
2015-07-16 1.0.8 New: Support for FileMaker 14.
New: improved display of elapsed time.
Fix: Improved handling of huge scripts (8000 steps and more).
Fix: Display error when CLI is not available.
Fix: Corrected some misspelled function names.
Fix: Improved stability when reading broken databases.
Fix: Correct handling of Insert File.
Additional improvements and fixes.
2014-11-30 1.0.7 New: Improved checking of database list structure.
New: Default password have a note to ease management.
New: Group files in summary report.
New: Support for selecting languages for UI and report.
Fix: Improved checking of catalogs.
Fix: Improve display of structural problems.
Fix: Eliminated crash with empty folders.
Additional improvements and fixes.
2014-07-28 1.0.6 New: Rewrite of more code using the Scheme language.
New: Show parts and triggers for layouts.
New: Show file and block metrics for databases.
New: Show size metrics for solutions.
Fix: Corrected problem with showing relations.
Fix: Corrected problem with displaying sizes.
Fix: Corrected handling of eSellerate.
Fix: Improved handling of protected databases.
Improved handling of layouts across all formats.
Addition of a total of 1,500 test routines.
Optimised for speed.
New application icon.
Additional improvements and fixes.
2014-02-22 1.0.5 New: More detailed progress information.
Fix: Improved structural checking for FileMaker 6 databases.
Fix: Eliminated crash on Windows when generating reports in certain situations.
Fix: Correct minor problem with window titles.
Additional improvements and fixes.
2014-01-06 1.0.4 New: Breakpoints are now displayed in scripts.
New: Improved checking for problems with corrupted data.
New: Added checking of object catalogs.
New: Improved efficiency of reading databases.
Fix: Eliminated false positives for broken base table.
Fix: Improved handling of calculations.
Fix: Streamlined command-line handling.
Additional improvements and fixes.
2013-12-21 1.0.3 New: Compatible with FileMaker 13.
Fix: Corrected display of report’s creation date.
2013-11-30 1.0.2 Fix: Eliminated problem with Visual C++ library.
Fix: Improved handling of file paths.
Fix: Eliminated problem with reporting progress.
Fix: Improve copying of auxiliary report files.
Fix: Streamlined main window on Windows.
Improved handling of memory to improve efficiency.
2013-08-20 1.0.1 Fix: Improve name handling for FileMaker 12 databases.
Fix: Improved interaction with eSellerate.
2013-08-08 1.0.0 First public release for OS X and Windows

Any information about FMDiff or FMVis is subject to change without notice.

© 2005 - 2015 Winfried Huslik †. © 2025 Jürgen Geßwein. All Rights Reserved. FMDiff and FMVis are trademarks of Jürgen Geßwein, Augsburg, Germany. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA. Other trademarks mentioned are property of their respective owners. This web site has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by FileMaker, Inc.